Autographs are cool. A selfie with a big leaguer? A memory to cherish forever.

What about the chance to hit targets at Topgolf with Detroit Tigers ace Matt Boyd and his teammates, while helping children return home safely? You can do that on May 20!

We’re just one week away from Matt & Ashley Boyd’s Swinging For Impact at Topgolf Auburn Hills, benefiting their Kingdom Home foundation.

The previous Swinging for Impact fundraiser for Kingdom Home — held during Spring Training in Tampa — raised more than $38,000 to fight child trafficking in Uganda & Detroit.

With your help, we can make the Auburn Hills event even better!

We have slots open for sponsors, as well as fans who want the experience of a lifetime. Sponsoring the event comes with premium swag, like autographed jerseys or even a private dinner with Matt & Ashley Boyd.

Boyd is having an incredible season for the Tigers, pledging to help Kingdom Home with each strikeout.

“Every girl or boy that we help rescue represents freedom in a world where over 32 million humans currently live and work as slaves,” Boyd wrote on his PledgeIt page. “While we cannot rescue all of them, we can do something to prevent slavery for the ones we can reach.”

“Last year we started our foundation, Kingdom Home, and began covering all living costs for 36 girls in Uganda. In 2019, through the incredible support of fans in Detroit and Lakeland, FL, we have nearly covered the overhead expenses for the girls and are beginning to set our sights on acquiring a piece of land and building them a new home. This will be a home where they can safely grow, learn, and prepare themselves to live a flourishing life free from the bondage and terror they faced in their previous villages.”

Having fun with the Detroit Tigers while helping a worthwhile cause? That’s a win-win!

Wondering what happens at Swinging For Impact events? We’ll let Boyd fill you in.

Sign up today to join us Monday, May 20 at Topgolf Auburn Hills!